I’m a little overwhelmed…

Hello everyone! I’ve been working on a piece to put together what I have been blessed to see regarding what God has to say about the treatment of the poor and needy. This is a little overwhelming, and yet I know that the good Lord will walk me through it! As for myself… I’ll be kicking and screaming all the way through it! Yet… I know that this is what I am called to do! For the wretchedness… the broken hearts… the scandal that is the church today… and for God’s sake! He loves the poor so much!! I write this with tears filling my eyes as I was the elderly homeless man who was told to move on down the road this morning in the rain by a minister . It wasn’t the fact that he did this act of unkindness towards me personally so much. It was the fact of breaking God’s word about how to treat the poor! We had a brief discussion on this topic, and it ended up in futility! I cried as I took down my tent for him, and the ones that he’ll influence. Pray for this man please?! God knows who he is. So I don’t have to name him. Thank you and God bless you!

I’m currently reading a book by Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel, The Prophets. To me he is a brilliant man. The words to describe, and explain, as best as an one can the internal life of the prophets! An absolutely wonderful, and amazing read! This book I’ve been waiting for for a few weeks, and it arrived two days ago, and I can hardly put it down! WOW AND WOE! He explained for me what I thought I knew. That the prophets are either relevant today or they are not?! If relevant, then I need to know the prophets heart by study and prayers. And if irrelevant, then they don’t matter at all now?!

My heart and soul tell me that the prophets matter! Their words are alive, and if read enough… They will work at softening the stone heart we carry within. Then I can see my brother and sister as God sees them… With the heart of a mother for her children!!! God bless you and good night! I’ll be back soon I pray.


  1. Agent X says:

    I am glad to see this post getting more LIKEs. Not that I am all in a dither for popularity contests, but it is an indicator of traffic, of eyes seeing it. Not the only, not the best, but one.

    Also, there are more reasons to LIKE something than merely that you LIKE it. However, you are not likely to LIKE it if you object. You might fail to LIKE it even if you like it, but you are unlikely to LIKE it if you hate or want to marginalize it.

    From my limited viewpoint, I have determined and been told about others linking this post to Twitter and Facebook and of course it has now been reblogged a few times too. I was able to see several viewers click on it from my vantage point.

    Right now it has 8 likes. I don’t know if you know them, but I have some familiarity with most of them. I want you to know something of the geographical influence your post has now, THAT I KNOW of. I see likes here from Texas, Arizona, Minnesota, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

    And that is just SO far.

    Pretty good for a humble, homeless blogger.

    I think the message here is so very important. I hope more word gets out. I hope that sensitive place in the hearts of readers feeling a bit of conviction by reading this gets met by Jesus opening those hearts still further to actually care and LOVE people… people on the streets.

    Thanx again for posting this. And thanx to all for continuing to publish this and widen its influence.

    God bless you…


    Liked by 1 person

    1. anonymous~ says:

      All glory goes to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to the Virgin Mary!

      There is nothing else to say except… Information such as this inflames the fear of the Lord within me for what I write!

      Lord have mercy!?

      Thank you for all your help, and support, and the concern you’ve shown for a crazy old man… wrestling with God!

      God bless you and your family, and all who are touched by these words of our Lord, and do good works for His glory! God bless you, and your families! 💕


  2. anonymous~ says:

    Thank you so much for reblogging the post, Jon. So very kind of you.
    God bless you and your family!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. anonymous~ says:

    Thought you might like to know that I am working on the next installment of the 14 times Isaiah cries out for God regarding the poor.
    I must say, having the blog reposted by anyone is truly the highest honor anyone could ever give to the blog! If that makes sense?
    Thank you so much for your support, and encouragement Agent X! I feel most of the time like I shouldn’t be writing the things I write about because of my inadequateness, and yet, here I am, writing hopefully for God’s glory?! God bless you and your family, Agent X!
    I pray that you have a blessed day!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. anonymous~ says:

    Thank you for reblogging the post! Very kind of you. It is a challenge every day to follow my Lord. And, Lord, have mercy on this wretched, heartbroken, lazy, judgemental stumbler… Searching for your light in this present darkness?!
    Thank you again for your support, and encouragement.
    God bless you all, and your families!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Reblogged this on The Roofless Church and commented:
    This post from someone experiencing homelessness is a challenge for the hearts of many of us.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. anonymous~ says:

      I feel a little foolish. I hit the link, and started reading… Saying, yes Lord, this is the Crux of all of human history… Christ crucified! And as I read further… I came to realise… You’re speaking about my blog, and that prompted my heart to pray, and I held back my tears because I am sitting in a dinning hall with a hundred other men. My tears are for the minister, as are my prayers. There also for the homeless who suffer a lie for the truth. And, honestly…
      For such kind words regarding me, and the blog! I’m actually without words to express what your words bring to my heart except one thing, the fear of the Lord! May I always walk in your bloody footsteps… following as a lost sheep, happy to be found!
      Hallelujah 💕

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Agent X says:

    I recall a freezing night back in 2012 when the Premier Homeless Pseudo Church of Lubbock (not its real name) kicked out all the homeless people wanting to sleep inside the building, and it was a night when my wife and I volunteered to chaperone like we had done several times before.

    I drove down to the property and found well over a dozen people hunkered down in blankets and wraps toughing it out. I could not take them all with me back home, but I managed to take four, four of the most needy and fragile. They in turn freed up their blankets and wraps for yet others, but I got four and put them in my home for the night.

    We were all having some hard feelings about the church’s refusal of our help and to help. But we prayed for those ministers and the leadership team that kicked us out instead then too. I have been doing that almost daily ever since.

    Thank YOU for this graciously convicting post.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. anonymous~ says:

      It truly can be tough serving, and following our Lord! He is with you through it all brother! God’s blessings to you and your family!

      Liked by 3 people

  7. anonymous~ says:

    Thank you for your kind words, and encouraging tone… It is appreciated very much. God bless you and your family, especially in these troubling times!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Agent X says:

    I sent the link to your post to a number of friends and family. Hope you get some traffic and some prayers… maybe even some care.

    God bless…


    Liked by 3 people

    1. anonymous~ says:

      Thank you Agent X. God bless you and your family! This is very helpful and kind of you.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. Very good post I was very moved and I do pray many will read it and take in the truth of the matter. Bless you and your family and may we walk in the spirit of Truth, to become full vessels of light in a very dark dismal world full of hypocrisy and condemnation, for whom much is given much is required. Blessed be the name of the Lord.🔥🔥🗣🌌

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Agent X says:

    Reblogged this on Fat Beggars School of Prophets and commented:
    Pray for this minister… this man… and the ones he will influence.

    I will. Will you???

    Liked by 3 people

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